The following descriptions reveal the stories behind each Arise Art Auction piece by describing a few of the commissioned masterpieces and their message through the lens of Biblical truth. Portchie: Offer from the Heart
A painting with almost identical message and composition hangs in Portchie’s bedroom above his bed and will not be sold - yet he was stirred to repeat this message in an almost identical piece he painted for the Arise Auction. The only remarkable difference is that the boy bringing His chicken is enveloped by a row of crosses making up the fence - as the boy is likely bringing one of only 3 chickens, his gift is a sacrifice as he likely knows them each by name. The sacrifice that is pleasing to God is the one from the heart that costs you. For this reason Portchie painted this message again in a similar way repeating the message to the global Church from the Majority world as a reminder that we must give out of our need, a sacrifice, and yet can never out give God, who sacrificed His son on the cross, and thus the giver is challenged likewise to offer a gift from the heart. Signed Replicas For Sale - (650mmx800mm) | R2 500 Excl. Shipping
Ardmore: The Baptist
Speaking from an oral culture in story much like the first Christians understood and depicted their new faith in the earliest Christian art this piece is a theological and artistic masterpiece. The creative gifting, faith and passion that Petros exhibits in his craft parallels Bonnie Ntshalintshali, the first Ardmore ceramicist. Bonnie began Ardmore an international collectable ceramic by sculpting Biblical stories and interestingly depicted Jonah and the fish as one of the first Biblical sculptures she made for the first Ardmore exhibition. Petros’ piece is rich with meaning and revelation and brings God’s Word visually to communicate that all people from all nations – represented by the headdresses of the figures - chooses to follow Christ and comes into His Body united through baptism receiving the transforming power of the Holy Spirit symbolized by the dove. Very significantly in Hebrew, Jonah means DOVE and the book of Jonah communicates in story telling the choice to follow God’s call to arise and follow or choose to flee. The sign of Jonah as Jesus refers to in Matthew describes Christ’s death and resurrection – for 3 days and 3 nights Son of man died, like Jonah was in the fish – through which the Kingdom of the Spirit is ushered in through Christ, for all cultures and nations, to come to know the Truth and to live in freedom and peace.
Hyatt Moore: Her Eyes on the Cross
While we were considering the piece for the auction to inspire a Biblical renaissance from Africa, we were informed of the use of white turbines as canvases for printing Bible pictures to reach oral cultures. This makes the use of these masterpieces to support arts in evangelism even more pertinent. The 5 paintings with “Her Eyes on the Cross” was exhibited together in California at Crystal Cathedral in April. They were featured on the Easter services on National television in the US earlier this year. Hyatt began painting in 1998 when, waiting at a stop light, he saw a painting and thought to himself “I can do that.” He was still with Wycliffe Bible Translators USA, a 32 year-career with five years as president. Becoming a painter late in his life of ministry he now continues ministering through a new form of witness. He is an internationally recognized painter who brings the beauty of Christ’s creation through the faces he paints. Most viewers see these painting as people of interest and possibly beauty and dignity. Christians will see that and more—as individuals representing peoples of high value and for whom God also cares. At least I’m grateful when the paintings convey that message. Replicas For Sale - (915mm x 1 220mm) | R6 500 Excl. Shipping |